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  • Writer's pictureBarbi Taylor

It's Been Too Long

Greetings! Right away let me assure you, in case you only know us by following this blog, Larry and I have not dropped off the edge of the earth. Missing in action? Guilty as charged. Did we abandon our trip last year? No. We had one of the best adventures ever. Did we give up on creating videos? No. Life, however, sometimes interrupts creativity. Are we still infected with the RV travel bug and aching to get on the road? Absolutely!

Before I continue, let me take a brief pause to give kudos to those travel YouTubers who “create content”, as they say, each and every week. When they tell you its their job, there is a reason. It’s a LOT of work: planning, setting up cameras, filming, photographing, offloading pictures and videos, recharging cameras, sorting through footage, editing, and lastly posting. The time involved can be overwhelming, especially when you are on the road. So our hats off to them! We freely admit we can’t live up to that expectation. We take great joy in our adventures and love sharing with you the beauty we discover and the exhilaration we experience, whether it’s for your inspiration, information, or simple stress alleviation. We thank you for coming along with us. We appreciate your comments and encouragement.

So, back to here and now. I can’t possibly recount, in a few paragraphs, the rest of our trip from where I left off in my last blog. That was just the prelude. We jammed so much into four months of travel it's almost impossible for me to remember everything (and there’s another reason for our videos - for our own memories). Check out the YouTube tab for videos we’ve posted so far and there are more to come, including the Grand Tetons, Mesa Verde and Monument Valley, as well as Capital Reef and Bryce Canyon. Also, you can keep up with us on Instagram: LarryandBarbi. Here are a few teasers.

We arrived home from our trip in November and have stayed fairly close to home since then. We are travel “junkies’, and as such have suffered withdrawal. I really deem that a thing! Seeing new sights, discovering new favorite places, and pushing ourselves to new heights (often literally) is addictive, in a healthy way. The phrase “get out of your comfort zone” is overused and often annoying, but let me say this, making even the smallest baby step beyond what feels safe to you, can be life changing. I always hated that phrase, but now I get it. Safe is easy, safe is comfortable, safe is safe, but safe can be suffocating, full of regrets and boring. Feel the exhilaration of stretching yourself. We are capable of much more than we often believe of ourselves.

Oh my goodness, I digress ….

Let's jump forward to what’s to come in 2023. Our travel plans have changed multiple times, from another four month, grand western trip, to an east coast trip through the Outer Banks up to Maine and Nova Scotia, to “we just don’t know”. That’s the life happens part. When you’re in your 70’s it’s like being a vehicle with high mileage - parts wear out, need adjustment, or replacement. Good mechanics are scarce. Schedules get wrecked. That being said, we will get on the road this year, at some point and to some place filled with beauty and wonder, near or far. We crave it; we need it. So stay tuned. There are more adventures to come - on the road again.

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