We hope you've had a wonderful holiday season and wish you a blessed and joyous New Year!

Although this holiday season has been different for us, without most of our usual traditions, it's been enjoyable and memorable. We're still settling into our new location in St. Augustine Beach. At first we weren't sure we were going to put up a tree this year, but we made the effort and are glad we did. We even got our usual exterior, wreath and lighting treatment up so our new neighbors wouldn't think we were scrooges. This year I wasn't baking non-stop, which is probably a good thing, although Larry may disagree. Less eating, more exercising. We're taking full advantage of being so close to the beach, walking or biking there nearly daily now, and of course, the proximity to beautiful downtown St. Augustine provides so many opportunities! You can't beat the Nights of Lights for holiday fun, especially singing Christmas carols on the Red Train Tour with grandkids.

We did have a outing with Jessie, one which may become an annual tradition. Chris and family had been to Fort Wilderness with friends early in the year and after loving it made the suggestion we make reservations for December. This was long before we had an RV, but after hearing about the Fort Wilderness Christmas madness, we became excited about the prospect. It was magical. The displays some families create, and I guess have up all throughout the season, are incredible. They bring trailers full of light displays, inflatables, and even the huge generators to power it all. Although we did spend two days of our week at parks, much of our fun was within the campground itself. We already have reservations for next year!

Now our focus is in planning our travel next year. We are learning you have to schedule well in advance if you want to get reservations a popular spots. This spring we'll be taking some local (Florida and nearby states) trips, but come June we'll hit the road. It's an aggressive plan - from Maine to Montana - but if we can pull it off, it will be "epic", as they say. So stay tuned.
Again, from our place to yours, Happy New Year! May it a healthy, joyful, peaceful, prosperous one!!!